Spread the Word

To find out more about Spread the Word visit their website: www.spreadtheword.org.uk

Promoting Diversity

Spread the Word take the issue of diversity within the publishing industry very seriously. They commissioned ‘Writing the Future: Black and Asian Writers and Publishers in the UK Marketplace’ which was presented at the London Book Fair 2015. Their findings showed the number of BAME agents and editors in publishing is significantly lower than 10 years ago, with most large publishers estimating 8% as the level of ethnic representation in the industry today. You can find out about the report and Spread the Word’s response.

As part of their commitment to providing access to publishing for writers under-represented in the publishing industry they run the Flight 1000 Associates Scheme. Funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Associates taking part in the scheme receive a bursary and undertake 1000 hours of Associate work, during which they develop skills and gain experience in publishing (primarily e-publishing). Currently, their Associates are putting the fine touches to our second e-publication.

Young Poet Laureate

Spread the Word manages the Young Poet Laureate for London scheme, working with young London poets aged 18-25 to improve their own poetry and the cultural offering of our capital city. Residencies include the Houses of Parliament, the Olympic Stadium and London secondary schools.